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How An Obstetrician Treats Miscarriage

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If you suffer a pregnancy loss within the first twenty-four weeks of your pregnancy, it's deemed a miscarriage. This is typically a devastating experience for a woman, but it's, unfortunately, relatively common. When you have a miscarriage, you'll be seen by an obstetrician, and they will discuss the appropriate treatment approach and post-miscarriage care with you. It's vital you seek medical care if you experience a miscarriage, as pregnancy tissue can be left behind in your uterus and cause an infection, which could impact your ability to conceive in the future. The treatment approach your obstetrician recommends will be dependent on whether you have any underlying health problems and how far along in the pregnancy you were. No one wants to think a miscarriage could happen to them, but understanding what happens after a miscarriage is important because if you find yourself in this situation, your grief may make it too difficult to take in lots of new information from your obstetrician. Read on to learn about two obstetric treatment approaches for miscarriage.


When you have a miscarriage, the uterus needs to empty, but this can take some time to come to completion. The waiting can be very upsetting and distressing, so medication can be used to speed up the process. This medication breaks up the lining of the uterus and will be in the form of a vaginal pessary or pill. You can usually take the medication at home, and you will return to see your obstetrician in a few days to have an ultrasound scan. This will confirm the uterus has emptied completely and no foetal tissue remains.

Dilation And Curettage

Dilation and curettage is generally recommended for late-stage miscarriages. It's a surgical procedure that involves using a speculum, which is the tool used for Pap smears, to dilate the cervix. A suction tube is then inserted into the uterus and foetal tissue is cleared away. The procedure is carried out under general anaesthetic, but you can usually go home once it's complete. It's normal to experience some cramping and discomfort after a dilation and curettage, but you should contact your obstetrician straight away if you experience significant pain or develop a fever, as these symptoms can be indicative of an infection.

If you experience a miscarriage, ensure you receive obstetric care as soon as possible. Once your obstetrician confirms no foetal tissue remains, they can also refer you to an emotional support service if you feel talking with a counsellor would be beneficial.

Contact an obstetrician for more information. 
